the epic

SLIME it up- disco Party


Create that perfect STRETCHY slime with our secret ingredients, colours, sparkles & leave the mess to us!

The kids will have a blast making the PERFECT SLIME!
Each child will be able to make 2  of their own batches of slime to take home.
You and your friends will also experience the ultimate disco time interactive LED step on the dance floor with loads of dancing games & prizes to be won!
Choose your own recipe, follow the interactive recipe, and watch the mixture transform before your eyes!

The Epic Slime Disco Party

Suitable for Girls and Boys! Follow the interactive recipe and watch the mixture transform before your eyes! Borax FRee

 An Epic slime Experience 



 Party Package

borax free


The Ultimate stretchy Slime Disco Party!

Make your very own slime  from scratch and take it home. Food and drinks included just bring cake & lollie bags.

A complete package!

Borax Free Slime-

Ask us for a special price if more than 15 kids

Usually 8 kids $690 you may add  extra additional $50

Our slime experts will create an unforgettable birthday experience for you and your friends! We have lots of different recipes!! Making fun parties in Adelaide for more than a decade!

  • Slime helps kids get in touch with almost all the senses: they focus on how it feels, sounds, looks, and smells.
  • We guarantee No Slimy Messy SLIME. Our recipe is like play-do  
  • 2 hrs Suitable for Girls and Boys
  • 3 to 4 hosts to help
  • We will teach you and your guests to make your very own STRETCHY Ultimate Slime. There’s more than one way to make slime. We will share our secret recipes for you to make the best slime with your friends for your special day
  •  A complete table setting for slime time lots of glitters, ingredients that will have you and your friends so excited
  • Slime time is so much fun! Slime is made of unique recipes that wash out of clothing and hair, does not irritate the skin, and is super stretchy, lots of fun, and interactive.
  • All kids will be able to make two slime’s in your favourite colour combination and choose your own recipe for their heart’s desire!
  • We have many different optional slime’s you can make
  • Elmer’s Glue NO BORAX
  • Glow In The dark SLIME
  • Fluffy Butter STRETCHY SLIME
  • GLITTER SLIME, and much more you can choose from
  • Choose your own recipe, follow the interactive recipe, and watch the mixture transform before your eyes!
  • We use only the best quality materials and Elmer’s glue

Ultimate Slime Disco Room


  • FREE INCLUSION Amazing Slime themed table setting including balloons, utensils, cups, plates for food, and cake time
  • INCLUDES FOOD no extra cost Hot food platter of chicken nuggets, chips, fairy bread, and drinks
  • Amazing themed table setting, for food and cake time celebration!
  • Bring own Cakes & lolly bags

     Ultimate Epic Disco Studio Room



    • You and your friends will experience the ultimate LED interactive step-on disco floor & have a blast of a time with the latest music hits
    • Have a blast with freestyle dancing & fantastic interactive dancing games and prizes for everyone
    • From the moment you and your friends enter your slime disco room be sure your party room will be a WOW factor!
    • FANTASTIC glow in the dark lighting effect, amazing graffiti walls, & the ultimate step on the interactive LED dance floor to impress. A Slime disco room like ‘No Other’ for you and your friends to celebrate your special day.

Epic Slime Disco Room



  • You and your friends will experience the ultimate LED interactive step-on disco floor & have a blast of a time with the latest music hits
  • Have a blast with freestyle dancing & fantastic interactive dancing games and prizes for everyone
  • From the moment you and your friends enter your slime disco room be sure your party room will be a WOW factor!
  • FANTASTIC glow in the dark lighting effect, amazing graffiti walls, & the ultimate step on the interactive LED dance floor to impress. A Slime disco room like ‘No Other’ for you and your friends to celebrate your special day.
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